4 Reasons to Lift Weights
Training Kah Qi Hong Training Kah Qi Hong

4 Reasons to Lift Weights

The main and perhaps only reason you lift weights is to build muscle. In fact, unsurprisingly, the leading motivation that people hit the gym is to put on mass, or to look ripped. However, there are many other reasons you should be lifting weights, arguably more important ones. That is why I always recommend everyone to lift weights. Truth be told, focusing on the other multitude of reasons instead may actually be more motivating for you.

Personally, lifting weights changed my life for the better. Check out some of reasons how it can do the same for you!

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Everything you need to know about Newbie Gains
Training Kah Qi Hong Training Kah Qi Hong

Everything you need to know about Newbie Gains

You’ve heard the benefits of lifting weights. It improves your metabolism, reduce risks of diseases, and helps with better posture. More importantly, for the guys, you want to put on slabs of muscle to fill your shirt, and for the girls, to have toned legs, arms and back to wear fitting clothes more confidently. And so you made a decision to sign up for that gym membership.

However, stepping into a gym for the first time and picking up your first dumbbell can be intimidating. New movements and terminology can be overwhelming. But good news for you! If you are new to lifting weights, you can put on muscle incredibly quickly. That’s a special advantage that many seasoned lifters would envy. You can progress with relative ease - as much as 15 kg of muscle for men, or 8 kg of muscle for women, in just one year of proper training! This is the power of newbie gains, which refers to the rapid increase in muscle and strength for individuals who just started lifting.

In this article, I’ll be explaining more about newbie gains, how to maximize them, and what’s next.

Let’s get started.

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