How to Trick Your Brain into Doing Hard Things like Working Out
Mindset Kah Qi Hong Mindset Kah Qi Hong

How to Trick Your Brain into Doing Hard Things like Working Out

Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy for some people to be so motivated to exercise, or so driven to make good food choices? On the other hand, why it is so difficult for you to even get out of bed, let alone head to the gym to do a workout for an hour? And even if you managed to do so, only to have your drive dry out within a few days?

If all these sound familiar to you, you’re not alone. You’ve definitely felt frustrated or discouraged when people around you seem to have unlimited determination to achieve their goals, while you just think to yourself, “I’m never going to do this again” whenever you’re faced with something that pushes you to your limits.

But we all know that by staying in your comfort zone, or doing things that are easy, it will not get you far. It is only through discomfort that growth happens. There are surely days that you’re constantly forcing yourself to do the hard things, and it can be challenging. But everyone feels this way from time to time, even successful CEOs. However, what separates them from everyone else isn’t that they like to do difficult tasks, but how they are able to trick their brain into doing hard things even when they don’t feel like it.

And if eating right and working out consistently are hard to you, check out this article to see some of the best ways to trick your brain into doing these hard things to get in shape.

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