Enduring Pain is the Road to Success
Mindset Kah Qi Hong Mindset Kah Qi Hong

Enduring Pain is the Road to Success

Everyone experiences pain in their lifetime, whether it’s the physical pain of accidentally knocking into something, mental pain of waking up early to get to work, or emotional pain when you lose someone you love. But what exactly is pain and how is it related to fitness?

Pain is basically a discomfort highly associated with effort. When your body is put through an environment that it is not used to, it will warrant attention to your brain through pain. This can be either psychological or physiological. As you push yourself beyond your body’s limit, your brain will try and protect you by saying, “Hey, this does not right, stop whatever you’re doing and take a break!”

However, when done right, pain is actually necessary for growth, both physical and mental. It is therefore important to make sense of and find purpose of the pain. How you handle pain can define how successful you are, not only in achieving your fitness goals, but your life goals as well.

In this article, I will be going through the types of pain you will experience during your fitness journey, the positives of pain, and tips to endure pain. Let’s dig in.

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Surround Yourself with Right People
Mindset Kah Qi Hong Mindset Kah Qi Hong

Surround Yourself with Right People

The people you surround yourself with will be the biggest influence on your (fitness) life.

According to research, the people you habitually associate yourself with can determine as much as 95% of your success or failure in life. We are actually way more affected by our environment than we think. In the words of motivational speaker Jim Rohn: You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. These people affect what sorts of conversations you participate in, what lifestyle you follow, and your attitude and behavior about certain issues. Eventually, you start to think, behave and make decisions like them.

Therefore, it is important to hang out with the right people for healthy personal growth.

Check out these tips / practical steps you can take to improve your social environment and better achieve your goals!

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