Evidence-Based Guide to Fitness Habits
Mindset Kah Qi Hong Mindset Kah Qi Hong

Evidence-Based Guide to Fitness Habits

Have you ever looked at a fit person and wondered how he or she stayed this lean all year round? How would it be possible for that person to eat healthy all the time, and show up to the gym 5 times a week without fail?

Chances are, you probably know someone like that. And you might think to yourself that he or she is just an extremely motivated individual, hard-wired to enjoy the tortures of life.

Well, the good (or bad) news is that it is nearly impossible to sustain such motivation for long periods of time. The fact is that this ‘madly driven’ person you wish you could be, would actually find it very hard to continuously endure such pains too.

So how does this person resist temptations and stick to the program all the time? The answer lies in changing habits.

In this article, I’ll be taking a scientific approach on how to build good habits for fitness and how to break bad ones. Let’s dive in.

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