How Alcohol can Affect your Weight and Fitness Goals
Nutrition Kah Qi Hong Nutrition Kah Qi Hong

How Alcohol can Affect your Weight and Fitness Goals

The year-end is here and alcohol may be unavoidable from your social events, such as Christmas and the New Years. (Yes, it’s 2021 already! Where did all the time go?) If you have been exercising regularly and keeping your nutrition in check, it is important to understand the effects of alcohol on your fitness.

You probably already know that alcohol consumption can lead to weight gain, because of the extra calories. This is also shown in research. But there is actually a lot more reasons why alcohol consumption can prevent you from reaching your weight and fitness goals. Not having a balanced approach to consuming alcohol could be what is standing in your way of reaping the rewards of all the hard work you’ve put in so far.

Here I’ll be taking you through some of the ways how alcohol can cause weight gain and negatively affect your fitness. Not forgetting practical tips to manage your alcohol intake. If you’re serious about shedding your belly fat and putting on significant amount of muscle, make sure you reduce your alcohol intake, or even better, cut it completely!

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